April 2018: A Month of One Sentence Prayers

I hope you enjoyed reading Women Making Time for God while I had it posted on this blog during the entire month of March. If you missed it, you can still read it free from the link above if you have Kindle Unlimited, or it's only $2.99 to purchase the digital book if you don't have Kindle Unlimited.

Starting April 1, 2018, I will be sharing one-sentence prayers - one each day - so please drop by every day during April to read a new prayer. This is just my way of helping busy women make time for God every day of their lives. I pre-posted these, so some may be available in the morning while others may not be available until later in the day.

Please pray for me as I try to update this blog on a regular basis while I attempt to keep up with life, bible courses and writing a new book. And I will pray for you to be able to make time for God
on a daily basis despite your busy life as well. Life should never get so busy that we don't have that one-on-one personal relationship with God where we spend a few minutes alone with Him each day. It's that one-on-one time with God that makes the rest of the day seem to go better despite any problems that may arise.

If you have any requests about what you would like to read on this blog, please feel free leave a comment.

Blessings in Christ,


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